After reconsidering, it struck me that the one or two (I may even be up as high as 3 now) readers of this blog might find it interesting to see the real, unfiltered, and somewhat strange thought-processes that I can go through when really, really angry. I have limited the degree of editing to try and give a flavor of what I was thinking. Enjoy (and please don't call the psychiatrist)!
The usual problems that pet-dumpers claim leave them incapable of looking after their animals are exactly what they seem to be: excuses! “My child is allergic”; “We don’t have the room (or the time)”; “When my baby is born the animal might hurt it”. Every one of these problems is relatively easy to resolve and a quick Google search will provide umpteen solutions that do not involve dumping the pet.
I get especially furious when I hear the last excuse above:
we have a new baby on the way. The
animal might be jealous, the animal might hurt the baby, the baby might be
allergic . . . yeah, and you might get hit by a falling space-station. What are
you now? Freakin’ psychic? If so, I don’t see you moving into a cave to avoid
Sputnik landing on your noggin! There are screeds of information available on
the Internet about how to introduce an animal to a newborn baby (and vice
versa) and many studies showing that frequent contact with animals may actually
reduce the frequency of certain illnesses in children, the latest of which is
from Finland.
The only problem that these solutions pose is that they
require a little effort on the part of the animal's owner, and that seems to be
the root problem: not the animal but the work it might cause for the owner. But
then, why should that surprise me . . . they can’t even bother to come up with
original reasons for why they can’t keep the animal. Or perhaps they don’t want to exert the
effort on that either! Perhaps there is
some kind of negative underground-railroad, some kind of anti-animal-rescue
cabal somewhere that instructs pet-dumpers on what to say so they won’t look
bad. Perhaps something like “dump-your-dog-without-guilt”
with a website and a Facebook page and a Twitter feed and everything. The CEO is some kind of Darth Vader-looking
dude that for $5 will give you a guilt-free way to blame your animal for your lack
of loyalty!
Of course, my theory about some anti-dog think-tank might be proven true if I now start seeing loads of dogs being dumped because the dogs are Scientologists!